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Disciplinary Rules of Foreign Student in SYUCU
Release date: 2024-02-23        publisher:         office viewed:

Chapter I. General Principle

(I) To maintain the regular teaching and living order of our university, guarantee the legal rights of all our foreign students (student for short hereunder), hereby make this rule according to Education Law of the People's Republic of China, Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, Provisions on Administration of Colleges and Universities Accepting Foreign Students (order No.9 of Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Security), Student’s Management Stipulation of Higher Education (Order No.21 of Ministry of Education), Conduct Code of Higher Education Student (education No. [2005]5 from the Ministry of Education), Disciplinary Rules of Student in SYUCU and other rules and regulations, as well as the practical situation of SYUCU.

(II) This rule applies to all the foreign students in SYUCU.

(III) Criticizing, disciplining or punishing students who violate Chinese laws or SYUCU’s regulations is the administrative power of university, the correction and warning of whoever disobey Chinese society’s basic moral code, as well as a subsidiary educational method.

Chapter II. The Category and Applicability

(IV) The college will criticize or punish whoever violates our university’s rules and regulations according to the seriousness of the student’s behavior and his attitude or willing to change. If it’s a minor incident, the student will be criticized by the International Student’s College; if it’s a major incident, the student will get a punishment from the school board.

(V) There are five kinds of punishments:

1. Warning (1 point)

2. Serious warning (2 points)

3. Demerit (3 points)

4. Academic probation (4 points)

5. Expel from university (6 points)

The academic probation is one year. Student who is in academic probation can be absolved from this punishment if he/she has great improvement in one year; if this student makes contribution to our university or Chinese society, the academic probation can be absolved in advance; if this student refuse to cooperate or correct the wrongdoings, SYUCU will expel him/her. If this student is about to graduate, the academic probation period can be reduced accordingly from the day his/her punishment decision is announced till the day this student finishes all the courses and leaves. The university will decide whether confer him degree or allow him to graduate. If a student reaches the expiration date of the academic probation, the student shall submit an application to the International Student’s College and get approval from the school board.

If a student has got multiple punishment with 6 or more than 6 punishing scores, the student will be expelled immediately.

(VI) If there are two or more than two students grouping to violate principles, they shall be dealt separately according to the seriousness of their behaviors.

(VII) Whoever violates the principles with one of the following circumstances can be dealt leniently or immune from punishment:

1. Confess the wrongdoings proactively and honestly, have the sincerity to change, and put it into action.

2. When there is a collective violation, this student can report and confess immediately, assisting the investigation and disclose other violaters.

3. Other behaviors showing sincerity to change, or making contributions.

(VIII) Whoever violates the principles with one of the following circumstances shall be given a heavier punishment:

1. Coerce, bribe, or seek a revenge from relevant staff, or interfere the investigation.

2. Showing a bad attitude, collusion, hide the truth, frame others.

3. Delay the compensation without due case.

4. Bribe the investigator or interfere the investigation in other ways.

5. Organize or plan a collective violation.

6. Get the disciplinary punishment twice for the same reason.

7. Bearing two or more than two types of violating behavior.

(IX) Any damage caused by the student’s behavior, this student shall compensate the loss or pay the medical expense.

Chapter III. The Deal of All Kinds of Violation Behavior

(X) Whoever plans and organizes a disturbance, interferes the daily order and public order of the university, jeopardizes school stability shall be punished based on the seriousness of behavior and the willing to correct.

1. Anyone spread rumours, fabricates or distorts facts, stirs up the trouble, paste illegal publicity materials to disturb school and society order, but realizes his/her fault after educated shall accept the serious warning. If the student cannot well realize his fault or keep conducting in the wrong way, SYUCU will issue him/her a warning or dismiss him/her.

2. Anyone organizes and leads the illegal assembly, parade, demonstration, strike or other group activities or events shall accept the academic probation or dismissal. Other participator shall accept the serious warning, demerit, or academic probation based on the seriousness of behavior.

3. Anyone publishes or distributes illegal publications, or establishes an illegal organization shall accept the academic probation or dismissal.

4. Anyone smear the reputation of the school, disturb the normal order and public order online with words, pictures or videos shall accept serious warning or severer punishment based on seriousness of behavior.

(XI) Whoever violates Chinese laws and regulations and gets punished by the Public Security Bureau or law enforcement agencies shall accept the following punishment based on seriousness of behavior.

1. Anyone got warned or required to pay penalty shall accept warning or severer punishment based on seriousness of behavior.

2. Anyone hosted by the police to review and then got released shall accept serious warning or severer punishment based on the nature of his/her fault and seriousness of his/her behavior.

3. Anyone got administrative detention shall accept academic probation or dismissal based on the nature of his/her fault and seriousness of his/her behavior.

4. Anyone violates Chinese laws and regulations and constitutes a criminal offence shall be dismissed.

(XII) Anyone conducts theft, fraud, robbery and other acts of illegal possession (including joint crime) must return the illegal possession. Whoever fits the rule (XI) shall be punished according to the rule (XI), otherwise shall be dealt by the following rules:

1. Confirmed to conduct burglary by campus security guards or department of public security, though fail to get any property, the student has to accept serious warning or severer punishment based on seriousness of his/her behavior.

2. Anyone stoles others’ ID or bank card to falsely claim others’ property as his/her own shall accepts demerit or severer punishment according to the amount and seriousness of behavior. Pick up others’ valuable belongings, such as cellphone, magnetic card to purchase stuff shall accept serious warning or severer punishment.

3. Anyone stoles official stamp, valid ID, confidential document, files or other stuff shall accept demerit or severer punishment.

4. Anyone provides information or assistance to thief shall be seen as joint crime and accept punishment accordingly.

5. Anyone conceals the facts about a crime shall accept serious warning or severer punishment according to the facts.

(XIII) Whoever vandalizes public property or the property of others must compensate for the reparation and pay the penalty according to relevant rules, and accept the following punishment based on the facts.

1. If the public property or others’ property vandalized by the student worth less than 500 RMB, the student shall accept serious warning.

2. If the public property or others’ property vandalized by the student once worth more than 500 RMB or the student vandalizes repeatedly, he/she shall accept demerit or academic probation. If the amount of compensation is large and the effect is very bad, the student shall be dismissed.

(XIV) Whoever gathers others to gamble shall accept the following punishment based on different cases:

1. Demerit for student who is the first time to participate in gambling or gambling in disguised form.

2. Academic probation or dismissal for student who participates in gambling or gambling in disguised form repeatedly.

3. Warnings for onlookers of gambling or gambling in disguised form.

4. Serious warning or demerit for whoever lookout or provide gambling paraphernalia for gamblers.

(XV) If whoever starts a fight fits the rule (XI), the student shall be dealt according to the rule (XI), otherwise shall be dealt by the following rules:

1. Warning or serious warning for perpetrator whose behaviors cause affray and brawl even though the student doesn’t actually beat anyone.

2. Serious warning or severer punishment for whoever joins a fight and causes affray according to the consequence. The starter or organizer shall be dismissed if it’s serious.

3. Serious warning or severer punishment for whoever makes things worse and cause adverse consequence in the name of “mediation”. If the participator does so, he/she shall be given a severer punishment.

4. Serious warning or demerit for whoever deliberately commit perjury, causing troubles for the investigation.

5. Serious warning or demerit for whoever beats others but doesn’t wound anyone.

6. Demerit or severer punishment for whoever beat and wound others.

7. Demerit or severer punishment for whoever instigates irrelevant students besides both sides of the conflict to join the fight according to the facts.

8. Severe punishment for whoever cause affray after drinking, join a fight with weapons, enter others’ room to provoke and cause affray, beat or force someone to leave his/her dorm or campus, lead strangers to fight.

9. Serious warning or severer punishment for whoever provide weapons for fighters or trouble makers according to the facts. If the weapon is lethal, the punishment shall be severer.

10. Severe punishment for whoever seek revenge after a fight is over. If cause any serious consequence, the student shall be dismissed.

11. Warning or severer punishment for whoever makes things worse or makes it possible to be worse by words or acts according to the facts.

12. Anyone wounds others during a fight shall accept punishment accordingly and compensate losses and medical costs for the victim. If the student fails to pay on time, the punishment will aggravate.

(XVI) Students should conduct civilization, behave good manners, obey moral code and social convention of Chinese society. Once violates, if fits the rule (XI), the student shall be dealt according to the rule (XI), otherwise shall be dealt by the following rules:

1. Demerit or severer punishment for whoever harasses or profane others sexually.

2. Serious warning or severer punishment for whoever watches, disseminates, reproduces or sells illegal books and periodicals, audio and video products and pornographic materials according to the facts. Whoever uses drugs shall be dismissed or accept the academic probation.

3. Demerit or severer punishment for whoever affronts others or fabricates facts to slander others, poses threat to others' safety by threatening letters, harassing phone calls or other means.

4. Serious warning for whoever secretly films or spies on others with tools such as binoculars, camera, cell phone, or other means. If causes any bad influence, the student shall get demerit or severer punishment.

5. Serious warning or severer punishment for whoever cause affray and make trouble after drinking.

6. Warning or serious warning for whoever uses audio equipment in public places, making excessive noise to influence others’ work or rest despite repeated exhortations.

7. Warning or severer punishment for whoever tramples lawns, picks flowers and branches, scribbles on school buildings, desks or other public facilities.

8. Warning or severer punishment for whoever litters, smokes, shouts, yells, clamors, fights on the campus or disturbs teaching orders and refuses to correct after educated.

9. Serious warning or severer punishment for whoever fakes ID or diploma, lends student ID to others and causes bad consequences.

10. Warning or severer punishment for whoever violates school’s rules and regulations, disturbs teaching orders, campus lives or public orders.

11. Serious warning or severer punishment for whoever violates relevant provisions of the Internet management to inspect, produce, reproduce and disseminate illegal and harmful information, engage in activities endangering the security of computer networks, illicitly acquire or steal other units’ or individual’s online information according to the facts.

12. Strictly obey the traffic rules and regulations. Motorcycle, moped fuel and high-power electric vehicles are forbidden in the school campus. Driving a vehicle without license, drunk drive, riding with people, or driving fast in the campus is strictly prohibited.

(XVII) Whoever violates the dorm management rules shall be dealt by the following rules:

1. Fireworks or burning paper is prohibited in the dorm, as well as bringing toxic, inflammable and explosive items into dorms, or using fire (lighter, candle, alcohol stove, ethanol, liquefied petroleum gas tank and so on). Once found those items in student’s dorm, those items shall be confiscated, and the student shall accept warning or severer punishment based on the facts. If casing any grave consequences, the student shall take all the criminal responsibility.

2. Strictly prohibit to store or use any electrical appliances (such as thermos bottle heater, electric blanket, electric cooker, hair dryer, electric iron board and so on) except mobile phone charger. Anyone violates this rule shall hand over the electric appliance and accept warning or severer punishment based on the facts.

3. Connecting wires or cable secretly without permission or using low-quality power strip is strictly prohibited. Once caught, the student shall accept serious warning or demerit.

4. Do not misappropriate or damaging fire-fighting equipment. Once caught, the student shall compensate the loss and accept serious warning or severer punishment.

5. Keeping pets in dorm or littering through the window is not allowed. Anyone violates the rule shall accept serious warning or severer punishment.

6. Serious warning or severer punishment for anyone enters the opposite sex’s dorm or brings the opposite sex into the dorm without permission of relevant office.

7. Demerit or severer punishment for anyone lives with the opposite sex at the same dorm based on the facts.

8. Serious warning or severer punishment for anyone brings outsiders into the dorm or accommodates outsiders without permission based on the facts. If there is any stolen case or other disputes causing by the outsider, student who accommodates him shall accept demerit or severer punishment.

9. No one is allowed to occupy or live in an empty bedroom for any reason. Student cannot rent or borrow an available bed to others. Anyone violates the rule shall get a warning or severer punishment.

10. Warning or severer punishment for anyone lives overnight out of the campus without permission based on the facts. Serious warning or severer punishment for anyone rents apartment without fulfilling the procedure.

11. No change or replacement of public indoor furniture is allowed. Anyone adjusts without permission shall put things back to original places. If not, the student shall accept a warning.

12. Warning or serious warning for anyone fails to comply with the accommodation arrangement, or hinder, refuse or prevent the accommodation arrangement.

13. Warning or serious warning for anyone disturbs others in the dorm and refuse to correct after educated.

14. Lending room card to others, changing or installing the door lock is forbidden. Anyone violates the rule shall be educated or accept warning.

(XVIII) Whoever violates the principle to cheat on an exam shall be dealt by the following rules based on the facts according to Examination Principles of SYUCU.

1. Warning, serious warning or demerit for anyone violates the exam principles and considered as misconduct.

2. Demerit for anyone violates the exam principles and considered as serious misconduct.

3. Academic probation for anyone violates the exam principles and considered as a cheater.

4. Dismissal for anyone violates the exam principles and considered as an excessive cheater.

(XIX) Whoever leaves school without asking for permission to leave shall be dealt by the following rules based on the facts:

1. Warning for anyone leaves school without permission for 2 consecutive days.

2. Serious warning for anyone leaves school without permission for 4 consecutive days.

3. Demerit for anyone leaves school without permission for 6 consecutive days.

4. Academic probation for anyone leaves school without permission for 8 consecutive days.

5. Dismissal for anyone leaves school without permission for two weeks.

6. If anyone leaves school without permission during non statutory holidays, or when students are not allowed to ask for leave for school disciplinary or management reasons, he/she shall accept warning or severer punishment based on his/her altitude and willing to admit fault afterwards.

(XX) Whoever violates other management principles of SYUCU shall circulate a notice of criticism or disciplinary punishment based on the facts and consequences.

(XXI) Any misconduct unlisted but need to be punished can be dealt by the similar rules or relevant regulations.

Chapter IV. Approval & Management of Punishment

(XXII) Approval procedure of student punishment:

1. The warning, serious warning and demerit decision for misconduct student shall be drafted by the International Student’s College, and reviewed and approved by vice chancellor in charge. The decision will be published by the International Student’s College and kept in record by the school.

2. Academic probation and dismissal for students shall be suggested by the International Student’s College and submitted to the vice chancellor in charge and got approval at the joint administrative meeting. The punishment decision will be published by the school.

3. If there is a student violates accommodation management rules and needs to be punished, the accommodation office should verify the facts first, then deliver the result to the International Student’s College. The International Student’s College will deal with it by the procedure.

(XXIII) Dealing procedure of misconduct:

1. Listen to the student’s or his/her representative’s statement and explanation in oral or written form before decide the punishment. Keep good record of the statement and explanation, and the student or the representative needs to sign. If he/she refuses to sign, the writer shall make a note.

2. The warning, serious warning and demerit for a student shall be kept into the student’s record together with the misconduct facts, proof, the student’s or his/her representative’s statement and explanation in written form, notes and other evidence by the International Student’s College. When giving academic probation and dismissal decision to student, the International Student’s College shall submit relevant files to the school.

3. Warning, serious warning and demerit shall be approved by the vice chancellor in charge and announced by the International Student’s College. Academic probation and dismissal shall be approved by the joint administrative meeting and announced by the school. The tutor is responsible for student’s educating and ideological work.

4. The International Student’s College will assign someone to deliver the misconduct notification to the student himself, and the student shall sign on the receipt slip of the notification. The signed receipt slip shall be returned to the International Student’s College to keep.

5. When the punishment decision is delivered to the student himself, another two foreign students of SYUCU shall be there to witness. If the student refuses to sign on the receipt slip, whoever delivers the decision shall write the reason and date, and sign his/her signature as well as the two witnesses and then return it to the college, leaving the misconduct notification at the student’s dorm or residence, then this student shall be seen as already accept the notification.

6. If it’s difficult to deliver the punishment decision to the student himself, or the student has been out of reach, school can release the announcement through Entry-Exit Administrative Bureau of Shenyang Public Security Bureau. The student shall be seen as already accept the notification since 30 days the bureau releases the announcement.

7. SYUCU has the right to handle misconduct student directly under special circumstance.

(XXIV) Before the announcement of punishment, school shall inform the student and allow him/her to explain, appeal and hold a different opinion. If the student has objections to the punishment, he/she can appeal to the Student Complaints Handling Committee in written form within five working days since accepting the punishment decision.

(XXV) The Student Complaints Handling Committee will handle student’s appeal on time according to the Appeal Management of SYUCU.

(XXVI) If the student has objections to the review conclusion, he/she can appeal to the Department of Education of Liaoning Province in written form within 15 working days since accepting the review decision from school.

(XXVII) The punishment decision will be kept into the student’s record and files, and his/her family shall be informed.

(XXVIII) Dismissed students shall leave school within seven days since the announcement of his/her dismissal decision. If the student files a complaint or appeals, he/she shall leaves school within seven days since the announcement of maintaining the original opinion. SYUCU will report to the Public Security Bureau and change the student’s resident permit according to relevant laws and regulations.

(XXIX) If there is any inconsistence between Chinese laws and regulations, take Chinese laws and regulation as criterion. The provision shall be interpreted by International Student’s College.

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